the game started at 7:00pm, but we arrived at the gate at 4:30ish to make sure we got there early and maybe get lucky and get an autograph?! i did bring a permanent marker just in case~
the stadium is huge outside.. almost got lost finding our gate and entrance.. but found it eventually after being lost for 10mins. prior to going in, we had our bags checked and stuff for security.
and a big banner of the game :) so exciting! it's a friendly match between the two.

we got to another entrance and showed our tickets and finally IN IN IN the stadium!!! we were both awed by the view and stadium..because for a second, i think we both thought we were in OLD TRAFFORD (Manchester United's).. hehe.. the red.. and the view going in the stadium was really breath taking.. we were so excited.
a friendly ajoshi w his lil girl took our photo voluntarily. see koreans can be nice~ jk jk.. (but really, i feel like the new generation of koreans - even some ajoshis are more pleasant these days)

just look at the view... we were probably the first 10 people to get in the stadium!! literally was near empty. we had ROW 14 - seat 17&18. looking for our seats..we realized we were actually on the first section of the benches!! woohoo!! 14 rows from the front! we were closer than we hoped :D yay!

ahh~ it's nice~ high five~
i havent felt this touristy(?) and anxious about something since we were out of the country! oooh, so so looking forward to the game.

what perfect weather!... perfect just perfect indeed. i brought my sweater with me and actually wore it until the middle of the game bc i started getting sweaty from all the action.

some media people on the front.

hey camera! camera testing. we were almost 2.5 hrs early and preparations were heavy and serious.
for the silly. a lil make belief that we're in old trafford.. :P

EAT TIME!! yum yums were right down the hall. andrew got us a lunch box of kimbap and sandwiches.

delightfully good!!

on my lap to my belly.

what's a game without mekju!!? yumyum.

ACKS!!! far away on the other side, we see!!! i think those are them!!?! in their training gear?! could it be? could JISUNG be there?! wish we were on that side.. they looked around and went in after few mins.
at least the cutest mascot to turn our frowns upside down appeared at the very right moment!! :P he waved and danced and jiggled to the cutest ways! here he is going around welcoming everyone^^

wearing the very famous 7 of PARK JI SUNG :)

uhoh.. people are piling in!!! it's almost.. almost game time. one hr more!

(part 2 coming up)
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