loving America a long time
Korea is becoming "westernized" really really fast.
I turn on the TV to find Kpop singers fondling each other on stage mimicking a sexual act - or a pole dancing girl group on stage supposed to be a serious act? is this all a joke?
did Korea poke themselves in the butt to just be another "western american puppet" - apparently so.
kids are having more sex with strangers - promiscuity is becoming normal and "cool"er than it was 10 years ago. Oh, Korea is going through its nasty puberty stage. I just hope it matures and grows up - soon (will it?!).
Korea, stop being a puppet.
respect your own culture and stay away from being so sexual - it's not a good influence for the kids and their future.
I want old Korea back - with more morals - and respect for their culture.